July Feast: Fresh Corn Casserole

As fresh corn becomes available in the grocery stores and produce stands, we look for different ways of cooking and serving this delicious vegetable. Here’s a recipe that uses the fresh corn in a casserole, with only a few ingredients, so the corn flavor is not lost in the dish.

Fresh Corn Casserole


8 ears of corn, still in the husk

2/3 cup heavy cream

3 Tbsp. salted butter

1/2 tsp. salt, to taste

Ground pepper, to taste


Remove the corn from the husks, taking care to also remove the silks. In a large, deep bowl, slice off the kernels of corn. With the dull side of a large knife (or a regular dinner knife), press and scrape the cob all the way down to remove the bits of kernel and creamy milk inside.

Add heavy cream, salt to taste, butter, and a generous amount of ground pepper; mix well. Pour mixture into a baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes or until thoroughly warmed through.

This recipe, with photo, is from The Pioneer Woman. A detailed explanation, with step-by-step instructions, can be found on her website.

When I made the casserole, I cooked it for 45 minutes and I used 9 ears of corn. I rewarmed the casserole in the microwave and it warmed very well.


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