November 18,1918: Rat Killing Campaign Announced


rat poster

A rat killing campaign began in Forsyth County on this day in 1918.  The campaign was announced by Miss Rachael Speas, the County Home Demonstrator, and was scheduled to run for one week.

The schools were enlisted in the campaign, and the students bringing in the largest number of rat tails would be declared to be the winner of the contest.  The students would earn a banner for their school.

As a follow-up to the rat killing campaign, it was deemed a success.  Mineral Springs School was the winner, with students bringing in 257 rat tails.  Pine Grove was second, with 150 rat tails.  Spanish Grove was next with 89 rat tails.  Other schools were Bluff School with 89,  Cool Springs with 82,  Burke Grove with 62, and Belews Creek with 60.

The prize was a large American flag that was awarded to Mineral Springs School.

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