December 28: Happy Birthday! Emory Shannon Gray


Emory Shannon Gray was born on this day in 1857, in Winston-Salem, to Robert and Mary Millis Gray.

Emory was the 8th of 9 children born to Robert and Mary Gray.

Robert Gray was one of the early residents of the town of Winston.  Robert bought a lot at the first sale in 1849.  The lot was located on Third Street, between Main and Liberty Streets, across from the Courthouse lot.  He paid $465 for the lot which extended southward about three-fifth of the way to Second Street.  Robert Gray also served one term as mayor of Winston.

Emory worked as a bookkeeper at Wachovia Bank, and he was later assistant cashier.

He married Theodosia Lipscomb Fitzgerald and he passed away in 1934.

Photo courtesy of Forsyth County Public Library Photograph Collection.

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