Here’s a wide view of Thruway Shopping Center in November 1961, when it was less than 10 years old. This photo is unique because we have so few color images of local sites in the 1960s.

This photo shows the end of the shopping center at the Food Fair Supermarket. The stores in the shopping center in 1961 included: Triangle Shoes, L. Roberts, Hine-Bagby (men’s clothing & accessories), Murph’s Camera Center, Chadwick’s Thruway Jewelers, Eckerd’s Drugs, Stanley’s Shoes, Buena Vista Shop, Fred McCoy Women’s Clothing, Lamberti Hairdressers, F. W. Woolworth, Marken’s (children’s clothing), Tiny Town (toys), McPhails Inc. (china, silver, gifts), Hugh Butler (hardware), Rocco Cleaners & Launderette, Advance Stores, Pete Knight Television & Appliance, Dewey’s Bakery, Bud Smith Flowers, and Food Fair Supermarket.

Here’s a view of the Thruway Shopping Center from the building that runs perpendicular to the shopping center, at the end. This building includes these businesses: WTOB Radio, Thruway Barber Shop, Thruway Shoe Shop (repairs), Watkins Book Store, Town Steak House, Pfaff’s Inc. (paint, wallpaper), ABC Store, City National Bank, and Nading Realty & Insurance.
The above photos were made by Coppedge Studios and are courtesy of Forsyth County Public Library Photograph Collection.