April 20: Happy Birthday! John Watson Moore
John Watson Moore was born on this day in 1891, in Japan. He came to North Carolina in 1902. He graduated from Davidson College, and came to Winston-Salem in 1912 to teach science and...
John Watson Moore was born on this day in 1891, in Japan. He came to North Carolina in 1902. He graduated from Davidson College, and came to Winston-Salem in 1912 to teach science and...
Lafayette Anderson Cook was born in South Carolina on this day in 1916. He came to Winston-Salem as a child with his family. Cook graduated from Winston-Salem State College in 1937, and was president...
Julian Gibson (1922-2015) grew up at the Children’s Home in Winston-Salem, and graduated from R. J. Reynolds High School in 1942. Julian was elected treasurer of his senior class, and was voted “Best Looking,”...
Speas Elementary School opened on West Polo Road in 1959. It was built on land where in earlier days, men mounted their horses and competed against other polo teams. Students from the surrounding neighborhood...