National Library Week is a good time to celebrate the libraries (and librarians) in your life. The theme for National Library Week in 2021 is “Welcome to Your Library.”
During the pandemic over the past year, libraries have offered a life-line to adults and children. While we are sequestered in our homes, having books in all formats, plus music and movies, has lifted our spirits and given us something to enjoy and anticipate.
The Forsyth County Public Libraries have been open, with limited capacity, for most of the past year. And if patrons hesitated to come into the library, the To-Go Library has provided the opportunity to request materials and pick them up in a safe and convenient location, with quick service.
National Library Week has been observed in all types of libraries since 1958, sponsored by the American Library Association.

Actress Natalie Portman is the honorary chairman of National Library Week for 2021. Portman is an avid reader and has recently published her first book, “Natalie Portman’s Fables.”
Celebrate National Library Week with a visit to your local library and see the treasures that can be found there. The staff welcomes you!
The website for the Forsyth County Public Library is: https://www.forsyth.cc/library/