The following are two photographs that were taken by Winston-Salem Journal photographer, Jim Keith.

They are not necessarily connected, except that they were probably taken in 1961.
If you can identify either the school or the boy, please send a comment.
Also, does anyone remember the name of the paper holder that the boy is using on the desk? It held notebook paper that had two holes at the top. The top part of the paper holder lifted to have access to the paper. There may have been a place for pencils also. Please give the name if you know it.
Photos courtesy of Forsyth County Public Library Photograph Collection.
It’s a Nifty Notebook. They were popular in the early 60s. The teachers didn’t like them because of the top holes. Parents didn’t like them because paper refills were more expensive than standard three-hole paper. But all the kids thought they were cool, and the pressure to conform made them trendy for a while.
Thank you for your comment. I remember these notebooks. I believe they came in different colors also. And I liked the little box at the top that held pencils.
I’m the boy in the picture. When I was in 4th grade I wrote several silly stories to entertain my younger sister. My mom had a connection to a reporter at the Journal who wrote about the antics of children. I think her last name was Thompson. My mom sent one of my stories to the reporter, and it was decided to put the story and my picture in the paper. I remember when the photographer came to our house. I posed at the kitchen table. He told me to look like I was thinking of what to write next, although it doesn’t quite come across in the picture. The crumbled pages are supposed to be discarded drafts. What a memory!