Blum Street is short…one block in length. It stretches from S. Main Street to S. Church Street. On S. Main Street, it is across from the restored historic tavern and the Tavern restaurant in Old Salem.
On S. Church Street, Blum Street is across from Gramley Hall on the Salem College campus. Gramley Hall is down the street from Bahnson Dormitory, which was the Bahnson Infirmary in earlier years.
In 1929, there were four households listed on Blum Street. In 2020, there is one household listed on Blum Street.
The significance of 1929 and Blum Street is that in August of 1929, the original sidewalk was removed. This was the last original block of stone sidewalk in Salem. Trees were also removed and a concrete sidewalk was poured, changing the look of this unique, quiet, and unpaved street. Plans were also announced to pave the street.
The photo above was made later than 1929, after the street was paved.
Photograph courtesy of Forsyth County Public Library Photograph Collection.