Let’s travel to May 1971, and take a look at North Liberty Street. The photo above shows the businesses that line N. Liberty Street, looking north.
On the right side of the street, you can see Rominger Furniture, the closed Center Theatre, Household Finance Corporation, Solomon’s Jewelers, Price Jewelers, H. H. Jones Furniture, and State Furniture.
The businesses on the left are Empire Loan Company, Minton’s Fruit Store, McCrory’s, and Reznick’s.

The photo above was taken at the same location, but shows the opposite direction, looking south. On the right, the businesses are McCrory’s, Minton’s Fruit Store, Empire Loan Company, Camel Pawn Shop, Pic & Pay Shoes, The Jewel Box, and Woolworth.
The businesses on the left are Household Finance Corporation, Center Theatre, Rominger Furniture, and Kress.
Photos courtesy of Forsyth County Public Library Photograph Collection.