Merry Christmas Postcard Greetings

Christmas postcards were very popular 100 years ago.  The postcard shown above was mailed to Mrs. Mary McKenzie of Auburn, Kentucky, in December 1918.  The postcard came from Maude Thompson, also of Auburn, Kentucky.

This is one of just a few religious Christmas postcards.  Many of the Christmas postcards show Santa Claus or snow scenes or children or other Christmas-related subjects, such as the postcard shown below.  It took a 2-cent stamp to mail the postcards in 1918.

“Nannie” sent the “Christmas Greeting” postcard shown above to her Aunt Mary McKenzie, also in December 1918.  Nannie wrote, “My dear aunt, I wish for you a happy Xmas and a brite and happy new year with much love from your niece.”

In 1918, Mary McKenzie was 70 years old and had been a widow for 17 years.  Her husband was a grocery man and they had three children.

Merry Christmas greetings and best wishes for 2019, from Winston-Salem Time Traveler.

Postcards courtesy of Molly Grogan Rawls.

Stay tuned for the next historical post on January 1st, 2019.



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