Hitchcock-Trotter was a new store in town when it made the announcement that it planned to open a soda fountain.
The announcement was made in the newspaper on this day in 1907.
The store was located on West Third Street, across from the courthouse. The business occupied two floors and the basement of the building. The first floor contained the very latest styles in dress fabrics, millinery, and ladies’ furnishings. The second floor was devoted to handling lines of ready-made garments for women, misses and children, such as suits, wraps, skirts, muslin underwear, corsets, shirt-waists, etc.
The company also conducted a mail-order service for out-of-town customers.
The photo above shows the display window for the store in 1910, and features the latest fashions for Salem Academy graduates. The photo was also used for a postcard.
Postcard courtesy of Molly Grogan Rawls.