Dale Hartzler Gramley was born on this day in 1905, in Pennsylvania, to Andrew D. and Ada Mills Gramley.
Dale graduated from Albright College with a degree in journalism, and worked for the York Dispatch. He began working on the news staff, and later became city editor.
He earned the M. S. degree in journalism from Columbia University in 1929, and became a Professor of Journalism at Lehigh University. He worked at Lehigh for 13 years, then resigned to become Assistant to the President of Moravian College in 1942.
Dr. Gramley came to Salem College in 1949 as president, and resigned his position as editor of the Bethlehem Globe-Times. Dr. Gramley was president of Salem College for 22 years.
Dr. Gramley succeeded Dr. Howard Rondthaler, and he was the first president to be inaugurated. He was also the first president to be neither a minister nor a Moravian.
During his presidency, the physical plant was enlarged by the addition of the Science Building, Babcock and Gramley Dorms, and the Fine Arts Center. South Hall was restored and Old Chapel was converted to classroom and office spaces. Additions were made to other spaces. And, to accompany the physical growth, the financial assets grew as well. Faculty salaries quadrupled, the value of endowment and trust funds increased, and the annual income from scholarship endowments increased.
Admission requirements for the school were raised and Salem became the first private college in North Carolina to have a nationally accredited teacher education program. Departmental changes streamlined the school, and an honors program was initiated.
Following his time at Salem College, Dr. Gramley was executive director of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. In 1974, Salem honored Dr. Gramley by naming its enlarged and renovated library for him, noting that the library, as a campus building, was closest to his heart.
He was active in the Downtown Rotary Club and he was a member of Home Moravian Church.
He was married to Caroline Illick. Dr. Gramley passed away in 1986.
Photo courtesy of Forsyth County Public Library Photograph Collection.